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Early Bird Special during lunch for Seniors Monday-Friday



Limited Time Items



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$4.99 Pizza Buffet on Mondays and Tuesdays



Weekly Coupons and Deals



$8.99 only at participating Greenville-Spartanburg, Hendersonville, Asheville, Waynesville & greater surrounding area salons



Deals on Fresh Produce



8 deals in store and online



$14.99 only at participating Kelowna, Vernon, & Penticton area salons



$13.99 only at participating Colorado Springs-Pueblo area salons



$13.99 only at participating Minot-Bismarck area salons



$7.99 only at participating Columbia, SC area salons



$7.99 only at participating Albany, GA area salons



60 coupons



73 coupons in store and online



Weekly Coupons



$1 & $2 menu