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Validated coupons for March, 2025. Save both time and money with our handpicked coupons, offering you exclusive discounts on your purchase from Mezzetta.When you buy through links on CouponGreat, we may earn a commission.


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Comments about Mezzetta (3)


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Carol Duricko 10/16/2019
Love your products and have had them ever since I can remember, however, today I bought a jar of your imported golden Greek peperoncini and when I got home I noticed the jar lid was mangled around the edge but was still on tight. So I opened the jar and began to enjoy......until I found a long hair floating inside. The numbers on the top of the lid are 2300 9/549869 and to be used by Feb/2022. UPC is 073214001057. Just wanted you to know about a truly disgusting experience with one of your products. Carol Duricko
Gloria 01/16/2018
Can you buy the mix with more califlower & less carrots. I love your products. I buy a jar of your mix every Friday.
John Corrigan 12/25/2017
Open jar of mixed Italian on Christmas day, had 2 pepper 6 carrots 4 celery all rest cauliflower big chunks, very disappointed, have been buying product close to 50 year's, very UN happy.

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